Autoportret (Запис № 1670)

000 -Маркер запису
Контрольне поле сталої довжини 04606nam a22001697a 4500
008 - Кодовані дані
Контрольне поле сталої довжини 240328b |||||||| |||| 00| 0 ukr d
022 ## - Індекс ISSN
ISSN 1730-3613
041 0# - Код мови видання
Код мови тексту польська
245 ## - Назва
Назва Autoportret
Назва частини/розділу 10.
Продовж. назви Przestrzenie komunikatu.
246 ## - Інша форма назви
Інша форма назви Self-portrait
Номер частини/розділу 10.
Прод. інш. форми назви Spaces of Communication
260 ## - Вихідні дані
Місце публікації, розповсюдження Kraków:
Ім’я/ наймення видавництва, розповсюджувача Małopolski Instytut Kultury,
Дата публікації, розповсюдження 2005
300 ## - Фізичний опис
Обсяг 40 p.
500 ## - Загальна примітка
Загальна примітка -- modernity and shade. about warsaw city information system / aleksandra robakowska, jaroslaw trybus<br/>Love is a daughter of knowledge - Leonardo da Vinci used to say. To start loving a city, you need to start understanding it, to start "talking" to it. If this kind of communication does not exists, the city dies. Not long ago Warsaw was a hybrid, bodily and socialy crippled by history. But for the past couple of years this<br/>situation has been changing, thanks to the City Information System.<br/><br/>-- walk across, observe, read... landscapes. nomadic reflections / dominique henry<br/>We can alwavs see it somewhere - outside a bedroom or a car window, while walking, on the way to work; always present but rarely noticed - a landscape. You are mistaken supposing that this is only a scenery for a performance we participate in. A landscape tells us of ourselves, especialy in the cultural context.<br/>How to read a landscape, how to understand a message it conveys to us? Let us start from walking...<br/><br/>-- space perception. about possibilities of museum exhibition / hannele grönlund<br/>What does human space experience consist of? How to learn to perceive motion, colour, objects' facture, in other words - how to sense a space? The author of two museum installations shows us how they helped to answer these questions. One of the visitors said that looking at space, we actually look into<br/>ourselves.<br/><br/>-- not only a word reveals us. a few notices of non-verbal communication / beata drabik<br/>We know very wel that while talking to someone, we pay altention not only to what they are saying but also to their body language - gestures, mimics, etc. Recent surveys proved how important the non-verbal communication is. This way we transmit 65% of all information. Beata Drabik talks us through the advantages of non-verbal perception (and some traps it may cause).<br/><br/>-- what is logo for? some practical suggestions / marcin klag<br/>It is frequently said that having a logo is an unpleasant and expensive necessity of our times. Yet the logo is mostly an opportunity to indicate what the company or the institution do, what kind of activity they carry out. Marcin Klag's article shows us what can be expected from a logo and how a logo may be read.<br/><br/>-- silence that does not exist. faces of silence / malgorzata szczurek<br/>Silence is paradoxically related with sounds. Without it, sounds would have no opportunity to appear: silence is a condition for their existence. At the same time, silence is full of meaning, as proved by the attempts of twentieth-century artists, who strived to cross the boundaries of language and looked for the fullest communication in the silence itself.<br/><br/>-- variety in bags. the woman's handbag story / joanna kowalska<br/>The medieval alms-bag owes its name and shape to the customs of our distant ancestors, who highly valued acts of charity; without the gift of a purse-bag, the engagement of a seventeenth-century couple którzy wysoko cenili sobie uczynki mi might seem incomplete. The story of women's bags is a story of changing customs, changing fashions and pary mogly sie zdawac niedopelnione tastes. Joanna Kowalska leads us on the trail of women's handbags.<br/><br/>-- dorothy on the yellow brick road, or about a certain journey / tucia piekarska<br/>What does the film space tell us, especially when its action takes place in a dream? In V. Fleming's Wizard of Qz (1939), the road theme has many roles: it is both the pivot of the plot and the main element of the film set. What is more - claims the author of the article - the yellow brick road mysteriously questions<br/>itself...<br/><br/>--interactions about performance "deleted messages" of croatian group BADco / agnieszka szeffel<br/>An inhabitant of a modern city keeps away from others, closed in a private space of their apartmant, car; # Mieszkaniec wspoiczesnego mias avoids any contacts with other people. This person lives in a sterile world. Freud says that this is a way of samochodu, unika kontakuz obc blocking all unpleasant stimuli. An interactive performance, presented through a BADco group play, may become an idea for breaking communication barriers.
650 ## - Тематичний термін
Основна рубрика ARCT-H - Architecture Theory and History (Теорія та історія архітектури)
700 ## - Додакове введення - наймення організації
Ім’я особи joanna orlic
Титули та інші слова, що асоціюються із іменем (ed.)
942 ## - Додаткові дані (Коха)
Тип одиниці (рівень запису) Журнал
Код системи класифікації для розстановки фонду Універсальна десяткова класифікація (УДК)
Статус вилучення Статус втрати/відсутності Стан пошкодження Тип обігу (не для випожичання) Джерельне місце зберігання примірника (домашній підрозділ) Місце тимчасового зберігання чи видачі (підрозділ зберігання) Дата надходження Інвентарний номер Видач загалом Повний (примірниковий) шифр збереження Штрих-код Дата, коли останній раз бачено примірник Дата, для якої чинна ціна заміни Тип одиниці (рівень примірника)
        Читальний зал Читальний зал 28/03/2024 2021000439087   ARCT-H-002058 2021000439087 28/03/2024 28/03/2024 Книга, брошура